Monday, April 9, 2007


I am still remember when one of my indian classmate (Suresh) ask the lectrurer in English 3 class about success.

'Sir, What do you think about luck in our life. Sometimes we need good luck to get the success'.

Then Mr Affendi Hashim (one of the best lecturer during my study) answered;
' Yes, sometimes we need luck to get success. But do you know what is the meaning of luck?'



There you go. That is the real 'LUCK' if you want to get success. Sometimes we have spent lot of times and efforts in our life but still it is hard to gain the satisfaction. Maybe our standard is too high or maybe we are just labouring to dead without analyzing what is the outcome or how the work will effect the results.

Same as the quote says 'Study Smart not Study Hard'. Then it should be applicable also to 'Work Smart not Work Hard'.

Agreed with one radio's break;' Anda seorang yang memberikan tumpuan, berdisiplin dan telah berusaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik. Tetapi anda masih di takuk lama. Adakah anda rasa masa anda telah disia-siakan? Mungkin matlamat yang dituju gagal dicapai buat masa sekarang. Tetapi sekurang-kurangnya anda telah berusaha untuk mencapai sesuatu. Walaupun masih belum berjaya, anda telah memperolehi pengetahuan yang berguna dalam usaha anda. Teruskan usaha anda bukan semata-mata kerana destinasinya tetapi apa yang dipelajari dalam perjalanan anda'.

Kadang-kadang rasa macam tak berkembang setelah bekerja selama hampir 3 tahun ni. Mungkin expectation terlalu tinggi. Tapi sebenarnya mungkin aku sendiri yang tak menyedari bahawa telah banyak yang aku belajar sepanjang perjalanan ini.

p/s: Yok kita set new target untuk dapat PPA 2 next year. Chaiyok Zim Chaiyok.

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